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Welcome at To be defined, a website filled with creativity. Here you will find numerous manuals in words and images on various subjects. On this page you can only see a selection. Choose from the menu on the left for more articles on your favorite topic.

Green Velvet

For the base:
ViridianViridian Green Burnt UmberBurnt Umber
Make a dark mixture of this and apply it thinly. Let it dry and then glaze with a clean medium. Then glaze with sap green.
For the highlights:
Cadmium YellowCadmium Yellow Zinc Whitea touch of Zinc White

Blue Velvet

VFor the base:
Ultramarine BlueUltramarine Payne's GreyPayne's Grey
Make a very dark mixture of this and apply it thinly. Let it dry.
For the lighter areas, work with
Ultramarine BlueUltramarine Naples YellowNaples Yellow