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Welcome at To be defined, a website filled with creativity. Here you will find numerous manuals in words and images on various subjects. On this page you can only see a selection. Choose from the menu on the left for more articles on your favorite topic.



Blue Grapes Green Grapes
Over area 1, 2, and 3, a mixture of: Over area 1 and 2, a mixture of:
UltramarineUltramarine Sap GreenSap Green
Alizarin CrimsonAlizarin crimson Naples YellowNaples Yellow
Over area 2 a mixture of: In area 3:
Cadmium RedCadmium Red Lemon YellowLemon Yellow
Cerulean BlueCerulean Blue As a last step, apply a small dot of titanium white for highlights in area 3.
Over area3, a mixture of  
Naples YellowThin Naples Yellow  
As a last step, apply a thin dot of Titanium White for highlights in area 3.

Ensure that all color transitions blend smoothly into each other. Use a soft, not too small, brush for this.

Grape Leaf

KApply colors from light to dark
Sap GreenSap Green Lemon YellowLemon Yellow
Cadmium YellowCadmium Yellow Naples YellowNaples Yellow