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OilpaintThere are incredibly many colors of oil paint, all of which you can mix together. Here are some commonly used color mixtures.

Probably you can use these examples also for other mediums. The colornames may be different though.


Yellow Apples    Red Apples
Cadmium YellowCadmium Yellow   Alizarin CrimsonAlizarin Crimson
Lemon YellowLemon Yellow   Cadmium RedCadmium Red
Naples YellowNaples Yellow   VermilionVermilion
Titanium WhiteTitanium White for highlights   Naples YellowNaples Yellow
     Titanium WhiteTitanium White for highlights
In the shadow, use violet. For this, use a mixture of
Ultramarine and Alizarin Crimson or Kraplak
  Add Sap Green to darken the shadow side.
This yields a somewhat gray color.



Blue Grapes Green Grapes
Over area 1, 2, and 3, a mixture of: Over area 1 and 2, a mixture of:
UltramarineUltramarine Sap GreenSap Green
Alizarin CrimsonAlizarin crimson Naples YellowNaples Yellow
Over area 2 a mixture of: In area 3:
Cadmium RedCadmium Red Lemon YellowLemon Yellow
Cerulean BlueCerulean Blue As a last step, apply a small dot of titanium white for highlights in area 3.
Over area3, a mixture of  
Naples YellowThin Naples Yellow  
As a last step, apply a thin dot of Titanium White for highlights in area 3.

Ensure that all color transitions blend smoothly into each other. Use a soft, not too small, brush for this.

Grape Leaf

KApply colors from light to dark
Sap GreenSap Green Lemon YellowLemon Yellow
Cadmium YellowCadmium Yellow Naples YellowNaples Yellow

White Enamel

For the shadow side and the light side, we use different mixtures.
Shadow side: Mixtures on the canvas wet-on-wet of:
Cadmium Red DeepCadmium Red (dark) Payne's GreyPayne's rey
Prussian BluePrussian Blue (very small amount)  
Light side:
titaniumwitTitanium White Naples YellowNaples Yellow

Red Copper

KApply colors from dark to light.
Burnt UmberBurnt Umber Cadmium OrangeCadmium Orange
Cadmium RedCadmium Red Naples YellowNaples Yellow
Sap GreenAdd Sap Green for the darkest shade

Yellow Copper

Apply colors from dark to light.
Raw UmberRaw Umber Lemon YellowLemon Yellow
Cadmium YellowCadmium Yellow Naples YellowNaples Yellow
Darken the shadow side with violet brown. Mixture for violet brown:
Ultramarine BlueUltramarine Alizarin CrimsonAlizarin Crimson
Burnt UmberAdd a touch of Burnt Umber  

Green Velvet

For the base:
ViridianViridian Green Burnt UmberBurnt Umber
Make a dark mixture of this and apply it thinly. Let it dry and then glaze with a clean medium. Then glaze with sap green.
For the highlights:
Cadmium YellowCadmium Yellow Zinc Whitea touch of Zinc White

Blue Velvet

VFor the base:
Ultramarine BlueUltramarine Payne's GreyPayne's Grey
Make a very dark mixture of this and apply it thinly. Let it dry.
For the lighter areas, work with
Ultramarine BlueUltramarine Naples YellowNaples Yellow