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The leaves on the backgroundNow I'll start with the leaves in the background. I'll use the following colors on my palette:
  • Cadmium Yellow Light
    Sap Green
    Pine Green (Van Gogh)
    Indigo (Winsor & Newton)
    Zinc White
With these colors, I'll mix various shades of green. Especially for the backs of the leaves, which have a somewhat fuzzy appearance and therefore seem very white, I'll use a lot of zinc white in the mixture. I'll save a few leaves that actually fall over the flowers for last. I'll try to work as much as possible from back to front.
The hearts of the flowers in oilpaintNow it's time for the brown hearts of the flowers, the central part. I'll put some raw umber, burnt umber, and black on my palette. With these, I'll paint the inner part of the heart. The outer, slightly lighter edge will come later. I'll also start working on the flowers themselves.
The flowers in warm yellowFor the flowers themselves, I'll use mixtures of the following colors:
  • Azo Yellow Lemon (semi-opaque)
  • Cadmium Yellow Light (opaque)
  • Azo Yellow Deep (semi-opaque)
  • Yellow Ochre (opaque)
  • Cadmium Orange (opaque)
  • Vermilion (semi-opaque)
  • Zinc White (semi-opaque)
  • Titanium White (opaque)
I'll try to work neatly from back to front. At this stage, I'll make the oil paint more spreadable with a mixture of half Liquin/half Sansodor. You can replace the Liquin with linseed oil, and the Sansodor with turpentine. I didn't start with just Sansodor or turpentine because I already have an acrylic underlayer. I don't want to use more than 2 layers of oil paint.
Allow the first layer to dry thoroughly'll finish the entire painting. For the slightly lighter brown edge of the flower heart, I'll use a mixture of the same colors as the dark heart, supplemented with English Red. Once I'm done with this first layer of oil, I'll let the painting dry properly. It will take at least about three weeks.
Detail of the heart of the flowersOnce I've colored all the flowers, I'll start the final phase. Now I'll add more detail. I'll still use the same yellow colors for this. The hearts of the flowers will also be further developed now. I'll use a slightly more fatty medium with my paint. Approximately 1 part turpentine or Sansodor to 2 parts Liquin or linseed oil. This layer will take longer to dry. For adding details to the flower hearts, I'll use a small brush, no. 1.
The final resultOnce I'm satisfied with the work, I'll sign it. Now it needs to dry for several more months before I can varnish the painting.