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OlieverfWhen you start with oil painting, you have a choice of a multitude of materials. There is a lot of difference in price and quality. And although the costs can be enormous when you start out, investing in better paint, a good brush, and suitable supports is definitely worth it. Paints, brushes, and supports of better quality are more enjoyable to work with and often yield a better result. In addition, various mediums are used with oil paint. There are an incredibly large number of oil paint colors. You don't need all of them. Over time, you will develop your own palette of colors. In this article, you will find a basic set of colors with which you can make a beautiful start.
Basic Palette

A nice basic palette is the following:
Titanium white Titanium White (opaque) Zinc white Zinc White (mixing)
Cadmium Yellow Cadmium Yellow Yellow ochre Yellow Ochre
Cadmium Red Cadmium Red Alizarin Crimson Alizarin Red or Madder Lake
Burnt Sienna Burnt Sienna Burnt Umber Burnt Umber
Raw  Umber Raw Umber Ultramarine Blue Ultramarine
Indigo Indigo Cerulean Blue Cerulean Blue
Sap green Sap Green Viridian Viridian or Emerald Green
Permanent Violet Permanent Violet Payne's Grey Payne's Grey
Hoewel je hier natuurlijk niet alles mee kunt schilderen is het een mooi begin. Het kan zijn dat er in de loop van de tijd kleuren uit je palet verdwijnen, en kleuren bijkomen. Dit leidt uiteindelijk tot een heel eigen palet dat past bij je eigen schilderstijl.