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For painting portraits, you can use the following palette:

cadmium yellow lemonCadmium yellow lemon (basic palette) cadmium yellowCadmium yellow (basic palette)
naples yellowNaples yellow naples yellow reddishNaples yellow reddish
yellow ochreYellow ochre (supplement 2) cadmium redCadmium red (basic palette)
venetian redEnglish/Venetian red alizarine crimsonAlizarin crimson (basic palette)
burnt umberBurnt umber (supplement 1) sepiaSepia
cobalt blueCobalt blue (supplement 2) ultramarine blueUltramarine blue (basic palette)
sap greenSap green (supplement 2) payne's greyPayne's gray (supplement 1)
With these colors, you can create many types of skin tones. Here are a few examples:

MFor someone with fair skin and blond hair, mix the following:

  • Skin: Cadmium red, Cadmium yellow, Cobalt blue
  • Shadows and mouth: Cadmium red, Cadmium yellow, Cobalt blue, Sepia
  • Hair: Burnt umber, Naples yellow, Sepia

For someone with tinted skin and dark blond hair, mix the following:

  • Skin: Lemon yellow, Yellow ochre, Burnt sienna
  • Shadows and mouth: Lemon yellow, Yellow ochre, Burnt sienna, Payne's gray
  • Hair: Burnt umber, Cadmium red, Payne's gray

MFor someone with dark skin and black hair, mix the following:

  • Skin: Venetian red, Yellow ochre, Sap green
  • Shadows and mouth: Venetian red, Yellow ochre, Sap green, Sepia
  • Hair: Alizarin crimson, Ultramarine blue, Sepia
These are just examples. Experiment until you're satisfied. Try to avoid flat tones and don't use black for black hair. Keep in mind that colors from different suppliers may vary. Also, not every manufacturer produces every color. If in doubt, ask for advice at a good art supply store. They will undoubtedly be happy to help you. They can also inform you if you prefer to work with a different color palette.