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Recommended color palette for painting flowers:

cadmium yellow lemonCadmium yellow lemon (basic palette) cadmium yellow darkCadmium yellow dark
cadmium orange Cadmium orange dark yellow ochreYellow ochre (supplement 2)
napels yellow reddishNaples yellow (reddish) cadmium red lightCadmium red light
alizarin crimsonAlizarin crimson (basic palette) CarmineCarmine
venetian redEnglish/Venetian red cobalt violetPurple/Cobalt violet
quinaceridone roseQuinacridone rose mauveMauvé
burnt umberBurnt umber (supplement 1) cerulean blueCerulean blue (basic palette)
cobalt blueCobalt blue (supplement 2) ultramarine blueUltramarine blue (basic palette)
prussian bluePrussian blue (supplement 2) sap greenSap green (supplement 2)
chrome oxid greenChrome oxide green Olive greenOlive green
payne's greyPayne's gray (supplement 1) indigo Indigo