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MazmorraOverview map of Mazmorra, a fantasy map for RPG's.
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Locations known so far
1 State: Independent State 21 Isles: Black Isles 41 Isle: Brass Roost 61 Land: Lhar Morndin 81 Unknown Area
2 Land: Old Belphania 22 Isles: Frosted Isles 42 Mountains: Serrated Edge Mountains 62 Land: Chaovania 82 Unknown Area
3 Land: Marinny 23 Big River 43 Desert: Red Desert 63 Land: Gliah Theau 83 Unknown Area
4 Land: Melora's Crest 24 Big River Left 44 Swamps: Endless Swamps 64 Land: Yuinaya Empire 84 Unknown Area
5 Mountains: Uncharted Hightops 25 Big River Right 45 Plains 65 Land: Jotunheim 85 Unknown Area
6 River: High Top River 26 Land 46 Hills: The Divide 66 Isle: Lotus Isle 86 Unknown Area
7 Lake: World's End Lake 27 Mountains 47 Hills 67 Mountains: Frost Mountains 87 Unknown Area
8 Region: High Masters Rise 28 Green Cliffs 48 Lake 68 Village: Godeheim 88 Unknown Area
9 Small Isles 29 Desert 49 Big Lake 69 Village: Allmenore 89 Unknown Area
10 Big Isle 30 Sea: Sea of the Fallen Stars 50 Bay: Viracocha Bay 70 Village: Overseer 90 Unknown Area
11 Mountains 31 Land 51 Avon'dir 71 Village: Val-Melora 91 Unknown Area
12 Dark Cliffs 32 River: Erizaina 52 Sea: Xul Waters 72 Country: Naronti 92 Unknown Area
13 Big Volcano 33 Mountains 53 Isle: Alu Dala 73 Country: Einara 93 Unknown Area
14 Small Volcano 1 34 Black Mountains 54 Sea 74 Village: Maleara 94 Unknown Area
15 Small Volcano 2 35 Snow Plains 55 Mountains: Rusty Mountains 75 Village: Tolar 95 Unknown Area
16 Small Volcano 3 36 Frozen Plains 56 Sea 76 Isle: Payta 96 Unknown Area
17 Small Volcano 4 37 Islands 57 Land: Fyrra 77 Isle: Korpan 97 Unknown Area
18 Small Volcano 5 38 Atol: Alu Ar 58 Waterway: Savage Streams 78 Continent: Tarakota'alo 98 Unknown Area
19 Twin Volcano's 39 Big Atol: Alu Lateu 59 Mountains: Thundering Heights 79 Unknown Area 99 Unknown Area
20 Thousand Isles 40 Sea: Purgatory Sea 60 Land: Sig Fandor 80 Unknown Area 100 Unknown Area