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Thundering HeightsOverview map of Thundering Heights, a fantasy world for RPG's.
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Oveview of Thundering Heights with Legend
Locations known so far
1 Country: Lhar Morndin 11 River: Erizaina 21 Old Duergar Fortress 31 Waterfall
2 Village: 12 River: Vuluhr Stream 22 Ruins 32 Cave
3 Mountains: Thundering Heights 13 River: Tiohl Brook 23 River: Wychlaran 33 High Cliffs
4 Mountains: Rusty Mountains 14 River: Byth River 24 River: Tâd Seler 34  
5 Country: Chaovania 15 Village: Mordubs 25 River: Nêl Seler 35  
6 Village: Vintora 16 Village: 26 River: Clanad Seler 36  
7 Country: Avon'dir 17 Duergar Fortress with Mine Entrance 27 Swamp: Swamp of the Four Sisters 37  
8 Mountains: Frosty Peaks 18 Mine Entrance 28 Mountains: Ant Hills 38  
9 Village:  19 Mine Entrance 29 Mountains: Fleahun Slopes 39  
10 Village 20 Mine Entrance 30 Forest: Ravenclaw Forest 40